Lesson 1
Ex. 2, p. 24
1. School. 2. Write. 3. Do sums, Wednesday. 4. Sing a song. 5. To jump and run, Sunday.
Ex. 5, p. 25
The Present Indefinite (Simple) Tenst
Випадки вживання:
1. Загальновідомі факти та істини.
2. Повсякденні дії, що повторюються.
Відмінювання дієслова to work (працювати) у Present Indefinite Tense
(дія, яка відбувається звичайно):
I work | It does not work | |
He works | We do not work | |
She works | I do not work | |
It works | He does not work | |
We work | She | |
You work | You do not work | |
They work | They do not work | |
Do I work? | Yes, I do | No, I don’t |
Does he work? | Yes, he does | No, he doesn’t |
Does she work? | Yes, she does | No, she doesn’t |
Does it work | Yes, it does | No, it doesn’t |
Do we work? | Yes, we do | No, we don’t |
Do you work? | Yes, you do | No, you don’t |
Do they work | Yes, they do | No, they don’t |
I usually go to school five days a week. I usually learn poems on Monday. I often do sums on Tuesday. I speak English every day. I sometimes do sports
Lesson 2
Ex. 2, p. 26
1. Bag; 2. A pen; 3. Pencils; 4. A ruler; 5. A rubber; 6. A pen, cil-case; 7. Textbooks; 8. Exercise-books.
Lesson 3
Ex. 4, p 29
1. T; 2. F; 3. T; 4. F,
Lesson 4
Ex. 2, p. 30
1. B; 2. C; 3. A; 4. C.
Ex. 5, p. 31
My favourite Lesson is Sports, We run, jump and play games at the Lesson. Our teacher teaches us to play volleyball and other games. I like my Sport Lesson.
Lesson 5
Вживання this-these, that-those
This вживається у однині і означає це, цей, ця (предмет, який знаходиться поблизу), форма множини – these (ці).
That вживається у однині і означає той, та, те (предмет, який знаходиться далеко), форма множини – those (ті). Приклад: This is a duck. – These are ducks. That is a duck. – Those are ducks.
Ex. 2, p. 32
1. Bookcases. 2. Is, are. 3. These, doors. 4. These, chairs. 5. This is, blackboards. 6. This, are tables,
Ex. 5, p. 33
This is a blackboard. These are desks. These are windows. These are chairs. These are pictures.
Lesson 6
Ex. 2, p. 34
1. F; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. F.
Ex. 5, p. 35
This is my classroom. It is big. There are four windows and ten desks in it. There is a teacher’s table near the blackboard. There is a computer near the window. You can see a map and pictures on the wall.
Lesson 7
Ex. 3, p. 37
1. B; 2. С; 3. C; 4. A.
Ex. 5, p. 37
I usually play football after the Lessons. I often ride a bike and play the piano. At weekends I go to the park. I like to run and jump with my friends.
Lesson 8
Ex. 2, p. 38
1. Read the Texts, listen to the teacher, do sums. 2. Ride a bike, do sports. 3. Watch TV.
Ex. 3, p. 38
1. This; 2. Those; 3. These, they; 4. That, it; 5. Those; 6. This, it.