Ex.1 p.110
1. Drawing is a picture that you draw with a pencil, pen etc. or the art or skill of making pictures, plans etc. with a pen or pencil. Painting is a painted picture that you put on a wall for people to see or the act or skill of making a picture, using paints or the work of covering a wall, house etc. with paint.
2. My favorite pictures is about the nature and sea.
3. My favorite painting is the Mona Lisa, by Leonardo da Vinci.
4. My favorite painter is Leonardo da Vinci.
Ex.4b p.112
1. D
2. G
3. A
4. I
5. F
6. E
7. B
8. H
9. C
Ex.5 p.112
1. artist
2. depict
3. propagate
4. genre
5. image
6. notable
7. outstanding
8. represent
9. representative
10. theme
11. topical
Ex.6 p.113
1. represented
3. influenced
4. portrait
5. masters
6. represented
7. genre
8. created
9. painter
10. fame
Ex.1 p.114
Gainsborough is an artist of the 18th century.
Reynolds is a prominent painter of the 13th century.
Van Dyck is a distinguished representative of the 17th century.
Michelangelo is a brilliant artist of the 17th century.
Rembrandt is a prominent painter of the 18th century.
Alvazovskyi is a distinguished artist of the 19th century.
Malevich is an representative of the 19th century.
Repin was a brilliant portraitist.
Repin was a prominent painter of battle scenes.
Yablonska was a brilliant painter of landscape.
Borovykovskyi was a prominent portraitist.
Shevchenko was a brilliant portraitist.
Shevchenko was a prominent painter of landscape.
Levytakyi was a prominent portraitist.
Pymonenko was a brilliants ant portraitist.
Pymonenko was a prominent painter of still life.
He depicts (describes, reflects) a group of children (a tall tree, a mol on the river).
He portraits a beautiful woman (a group of children).
She depicts (describes, reflects) a group of children (a tall tree, a mill on the river).
She portraits a beautiful woman (a group of children).
Ex.2 p.114
1. a painting (c)
2. a landscape (g)
3. a seascape (a)
4. a portrait (i)
5. a sitter (d)
6. a still life (0
7. a fresco (b)
8. a scene (h)
9. a piece (e)
Ex.3 p.115
Folk (i) icon (e) primitive (b) abstraction I h)
Avant-garde (e) classicism (a) futurism (g) realism (d)
Ex.1 p.116
1. Before I went to bed, I had turned off the radio.
2. I was really hungry as I hadn’t eaten anything for breakfast
3. I had forgotten to clean my teeth when I got into bed.
4. By midnight, I had finished the magazine article.
5. I watched TV after we had finished dinner.
Ex.2 p.116
1. A. We tired the house and then the visitors arrived.
2. B. His mum came home and then he went to bed.
3. B. Nick saw the film and then he read the book,
4. B. John arrived before Ms. Williams.
5. A. They had dinner and then Lilly arrived.
Ex.3 p.116
1. Tanya hadn’t finished doing the housework by five o’clock, so she called Nadia to tell her she would be late.
2. She didn’t eat any tiling at the party because she had already eaten at home.
3. He had just finished his homework when the teacher came in.
4. By the time I arrived the play had started.
Ex.4 p.117
1. There was an open hook on the sofa, after he had been reading, (c)
2. The ground was wet, because it had been raining, (d)
3. Her eyes were red, when she had been crying, (a)
4. There was an empty box on the floor, after they had been eating pizza, (b)
5. He was out of breath, while he had been running, (c)
Ex.5 p.117
1. When I arrived they had been waiting for over half an hour.
2. They were hot, because they had been dancing.
3. When I got there, they hadn’t been waiting long.
4. She was tired because she had been running.
5. The garden was flooded because it had been raining all night.
Ex.6 p.117
1. a) told
2. a) been flown
3. b) been doing
4. b) been drinking
5. a) given
Ex.1 p.118
1. People want to submerge submerge yourself in beauty, culture, style, ideas. The thing is rarely can you even touch the object, in a museum and there is a distance between the object/art and the viewer, this class case or rope between.
2. The famous world museums are the Amerbach-Cabinet in Basel, the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, the British Museum in London, the Louvre in Paris; the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, and the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.
3. Four years ago I visited the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.
4. I would you like to see the expositions of the Louvre in Paris,
5. I think that people create works of art because they like painting most of all.
6. People collect them because it is very popular between the rich people.
7. People want to be a broad-minded person, that’s why they go to the museums.
1. Yes, I do. I need to buy a map.
2. You can’t visit the Louvre and not see the Mona Lisa, but my tip would be to see it first.
3. When you’ve done that, use the plan to look for the galleries that sound most interesting to you, and spend the morning visiting them, when you have plenty of energy.
4. I have lunch at one of the reasonable priced cafe.
5. I spend the afternoon relaxing and finding surprises without looking at your map.
6. Yes, I can. I can take photographs.
7. Yes, I do. I have to pay for audio guides.
8. You need to remember which one you got it from, as you must return it to the same one to get your credit card or passport back.
Ex.5 p.119
One of the greatest museums in London, the National Gallery is a solid day’s worth of culture and exploration. The National Gallery in London was founded in 1824 and houses a rich collection of over 2300 paintings dating from the mid-13th century to 1900 in its home on Trafalgar Square. The gallery is an exempt charity, and a non departmental public body of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Its collection belongs to the public of the United Kingdom.
Yesterday, I went to the National Gallery in London with my family. I have been learning about Van Gogh at school and we went there to see his paintings called the sunflowers, the chair and also Cezanne’s “Bathers”. I almost fainted when I saw actual real life Van Gogh paintings! They were way bigger than I expected and I could see Van Gogh’s oil paints stand out from the canvas because it was so thick. I couldn’t pick a favourite painting because I liked the whole gallery actually! In the gift shop I bought some postcards and a ‘‘mini masterpiece” kit so that I could do my own masterpiece at home.
So today I did the mini masterpiece. I decided to paint some fruits and a painting for my mum. The fruit was called a ‘ still life” and Van Gogh and Cezanne both liked doing them so I told mum I was being ‘a bit like Cezanne’!
Ex.1 p.120
1. I often go to museums.
2. Last time I went to museum two years ago.
3. This museum is situated in Kharkiv.
4. It was built by Kharkiv architects.
5. There are different beautiful expositions of Aivazovskyi, Repin and many others.
Ex.2 p.120
1. (C) I say, Nick, what are you doing on Sunday?
2. (E) Oh: that’s wonderful. I’ve been at the historical in Lviv. It ‘a really worth visiting.
3. (A) Well, there are many things dating back to ancient time: notional embroidery, collections of coins, glassware, all kinds of weapons, articles made of bone, stone, iron or silver and different manuscripts.
4. (D) Oh. yes, and by the way, it’s very rich.
5. (B) Have a nice journey.
Ex.1 p.123
1. My family and I had been watching a scary science-fiction film for an hour when I noticed that I was alone in the room. We had been looking forward to this film all day, but when I looked round the room was empty! My little sister had left the room earlier. She had been crying because beware scared. My mum and dad had been sitting on the sofa, but then they went to make some coffee. Outside it was dark and it had been raining all evening. Suddenly, I heard a strange moaning noise. ‘Mum’ I yelled. Then Dad laughed. He had been hiding behind my chair.
Ex.2 p.123
1. She was hungry because she hadn’t eaten anything all day.
2. By the time I had left school, I decided to become a painter.
3. We had just heard the news when you rang.
4. When I turned on the TV the programme had already started.
5. I had already thought of that before you suggested it.
Ex.3 p.123
Sir Joshua Reynolds was the most well-known portraitist of the second half of 18th century. In December 1768 the Royal Academy was founded and Reynolds became its first president. He created a whole gallery of portraits of the most famous people of that period. He usually painted his characters in heroic master and showed them as the best people of the nation.
But the leading portraitist of his day was Thomas Lawrence. He became painter George III in 1792 and president of the Royal Academy (1820-1830). Queen Charlotte is one of his finest portraits.
Thomas Gainsborough, one of the greatest of the English School, was a portraitist and a landscape painter. His portraits are painted in clear tones. Blue and green are his favorite colour. One of the most famous works is the Portrait of the Duchess of Beaufort. He managed to create a true impression sitter. Gainsborough greatly influenced the English school as landscape painting. He was one
Of the first English artists to paint his native land (Sunset, The Bridge and others’). He was the first English artist to paint his native countryside so sincerely.
His works contain much poetry and music. He is sometimes considered the forerunner of the impressionists.
John Constable, an English landscape painter, painted many outstanding works (A Cottage in a Cornfield, The Loch). He is the first landscape painter who considered that every painter should make his sketches directly from nature working in the open air. His technique and coloring are very close as the painting. Constable ignored the rules established by Reynolds. His insisted that art should he based on observation of nature and feeling. His was the herald of romanticism. But like realistic aunties of his art are sensed very strongly.
Ex.5 p.125
I prefer landscape to other genre. Landscape is a picture showing an area of countryside or land. A drawing of a landscape is a drawing of land, nature, and usually shows the beauty or sodality of nature. Landscape painting depicts the physical world that surrounds us and includes features such as mountains, valleys, vegetation, and bodies of water. The sky is another important element shaping the mood of landscape paintings. Landscape art ranges from highly detailed and realistic to impressionistic, romantic and idealized.
Nowadays, landscape is a very popular subject-matter in art but it has not always been highly esteemed. Landscape was traditionally considered lower in status than portraiture, which patrons would pay much more for.
The depiction of landscape in art. has its roots in Greek and Roman times, with murals of landscapes painted on the walls of expensive villas. However, it was in the Renaissance when landscape gained in popularity.
By the 17th century there were two main centres of landscape painting in Europe: Italy, where landscape did not enjoy high status and paintings of landscapes tended to be idealised and classical, and the Netherlands.
In the modern period, landscape has come to mean many things as artists embrace new media in addition to the more traditional media to create environments using light and colour. As the world becomes more built up, urban landscapes also feature more heavily as well as artwork which reflects the plight of the landscape in the face of industrialisation and population growth.
Ex.7 p.125
Isaac Levitan has been my favorite landscape painter from the first, time I saw his work in reproduction.
The work of Isaac Ilyich Levitan belongs to the highest achievements of Russian culture. Its significance is compared with the works of such classics as Anton Chekhov, Pyotr Tchaikovsky and Konstantin Stanislavsky. Levitan was born in 1860 into a poor but educated Jewish family. In the late 1860s, the family moved to Moscow, where Isaac studied at the Moscow School of Painting and Sculpture from 1873 till 1883. He lost his mother in 1875 and his father two years later. He was left penniless and homeless in Moscow, sleeping >
His technical prowess is astonishing when you see the paintings in person. Some of his brush work would be gimmicky in the hands of anyone else. For example, in one painting of an old wood barn, he laid on impastos, then glazed them, then lightly wiped off the glaze so the darker colour stayed just, in the ‘valleys‘ of the impasto. It works from a distance, but, amazingly, it works also if you ‘sniff‘ the painting. I’ve never seen anyone who could pull that trick off, and I have tried it myself a few times with terrible results.
“In Birch Forest” half of the painting appears to have been done with the same unmixed transparent green pigment, and the changing hue and high chroma in the glazing on the whites of the tree-trunks is alone worth the trip to Moscow.
The variety of his subjects and compositions has always inspired me. But most of all, the sense of meaning he instills in every painting. When you look at his landscapes there is something so much greater than just simply the view being depicted. His best landscapes are filled with a profound philosophical meaning beyond anything I’ve seen painted before. For me. this is art at its highest level. Recalling the French academicians with their hierarchy of painting which held landscape in third place, I think “they never saw a Levitan”.
Ex.2a p.128
1. What must a well-written paragraph or essay include?
2. Where does the word ‘coherence’ come from?
3. How can you achieve coherence in writing?
4. What does it mean?
5. Cohesive devices are various methods of connecting sentences to each other, aren’t they?
6. What do they include?
7. Are translations or spellings the most common type off linking words?
8. What types of logical ordering do you know?
9. We pin the paragraphs together by using linking words, don’t we?
Ex.3b p.125
Firstly (at first, first of all)
Secondly (second, then, after that)
For instance (as an example, for example)
Last but not least (finally, in conclusion)
All things considered (to sum up, summarize)
Ex.5 p.129
1. D. interesting/unusual facts
2. A. addressing reader directly
3. B. a rhetorical question
4. C. a quotation
Ex.6d p.130
1. Yes, it does.
2. Yes, they do.
3. Yes, it is.
4. Yes, they are.
Ex.7 p.130
Role of Art in Our Life
Art is an essential part of each state, city and person’s life.
In my opinion, art is an imaginative reflection of reality, the main goal of which is interrelation of people with something wonderful, sensitive, interesting and beautiful, sometimes even unexplainable and contradictory. I think that cinema, painting, architecture and other kinds of art should arouse different emotions, feelings and thoughts in human soul and mind. Undoubtedly, the same work of art can stir up absolutely opposite feelings in people’s souls. For example, looking at the fresco ‘Last Judgement’ by Michelangelo, the splendid and talented creator of the Renaissance era, in the Sistine Chapel, some people admire the beauty of conveyed images, other people think about the idea of world division into saints and sinners, someone thinks about the correlation between good and evil and this consequence of emotions and thoughts can be endlessly continued.
All kinds of art enrich our inner world and give us new knowledge about surrounding world. In works of art we see the author’s point of view on some situations or generalised knowledge of the creator, expressed with the help of artistic images. We can agree or disagree with the author’s opinion because each person has his own vision of the world and there is no right or wrong opinion – so many men, so many minds.
Art plays a great role in our life as long as it makes us think about significant problems and things, happening around us, till art excites human mind and does not leave us indifferent. Great classical writers such as Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Bulgakov and others touched very important problems of mankind in their works: love and hate, war and peace, guilt and repentance, talent and mediocrity, friendship and betrayal.
I think that dramatic plots, described in works of these great authors, will help people to revalue their attitude to life, warn and stop them from cruel, thoughtless or unfair actions. Influence of art on people is great. It can make us smile or cry, love or hate, be glad or be worried. It can inspire or make us pluck up our courage when we are spiritually and morally broken. Art sometimes can be the only means, which can inspire a heroic deed or support us in a difficult situation. It was so during the years of war. People were morally exhausted and suffered under the burden of losses. And when there was no force to fight and there was no force to live, art gave confidence to people, brought into the atmosphere of ruin and panic some inexpressible atmosphere of warmth and care, gave people ‘second wind’ and made them live again, love and fight for happiness. Soldiers went to the battle, singing military songs about feat of arms, honour, motherland, love and about native home, and feelings, arousing by these songs, overshadowed feelings of fear, horror and pain.
In conclusion, I should say that irrespective of kind of art and its personal perception, it occupies a very important place in our life. Art is also an essential part of life and it has a direct influence on us.
Ex.1 p.131
1. had been expecting
2. opened
3. had a chance
4. had been waiting for
5. had heard
6. had breakfast
Ex.2 р. 131
Museum of Art was founded in 1919 on the basis of the private collection of Kyiv archaeologist Bogdan Khanenko. The Green Cabinet features the collection of Medieval Art, the Golden Cabinet contains objects of Rococo epoch and in the Red Cabinet you can find exhibits of Renaissances period. There are 17 000 paintings in the museum funds. Among the exhibits are the paintings of Bellini, Hals, Reynolds. Rubens, the masterpiece infant. Margaret’ by Velazquez and unique Byzantine / Sinai icons of the 6th – 7th centuries written by wax paint. Interesting exhibits are presented at the Department of Oriental Art : piece of Coptic fabric with the picture of horseman (5th – 6th centuries), ritual Chinese bell (1st century BC), excellent Chinese paintings on the scrolls (15th – 20th centuries) and Japanese paintings.
Ex.3p. 132
1. b) National Museum of Ukrainian Folk Art
2. b) loth century
3. c) 21 halls
4. b) the wooden relief of St George
5. a) 19th century
6. b) contemporary painters
Ex.4 p.133
1775. William Turner was born in Devonshire.
1787. His first drawings are dated.
1796. He began to exhibit oil paintings as well as water-colored
1851. Turner died in London