І семестр
Тема. Thematic Evaluation 2. “School Life”
Мета: проконтролювати рівень сформованості писемних граматичних навичок; навчити учнів виконувати трансформаційні завдання; виховувати вміння працювати самостійно, давати суб’єктивну та об’єктивну оцінку явищам навколишнього середовища; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів, елементи аналізу й самоаналізу.
I. Організація класу. Привітання
II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення
Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.
Level A: Write as many lexical units as you can on the topic.
Level B: Write as many word combinations as you can on the topic and translate the following sentences.
– Knowledge is power.
– It doesn’t matter what type of school you get your education in. You should think of the topics the speaker mentioned.
– Nowadays you can choose the school for yourselves.
– It is important to be responsible for your achievements.
Level C: Answer the following questions.
– What do you know about secondary schools in Ukraine?
– What information does the school newspaper cover?
– Why should the pupils follow school rules and regulations?
– What stages of Ukrainian system of education do you know?
– What are after-classes activities of pupils of our school?
– How does the school librarian help you in your studies?
– Would you like to go to a language school?
– Is English your favourite subject?
Level D: Write a composition / a report on one of the topics chosen by the pupils.
– Pupils and their form-master.
– Educational system of Ukraine.
– Educational institutions of a new type.
– My English room.
– What factors a good education depends on. My favorite teacher.
IV. Завершальна частина уроку
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